Hilarie Burton dyker upp i Grey's Anatomy!
Några av mina läsare som följer Grey's Anatomy? I avsnitt 9x22 så kommer ingen mindre än.. Hilarie Burton (som spelar Peyton Sawyer) att gästa GA! Vad kul! Hon ska spela en läkare och kommer under avsnittet att få jobba med Arizona och Jackson. Ska bli så kul att få se henne i Grey's Anatomy, ser väldigt mycket fram emot det! Enligt några källor så ska hon tydligen ha en återkommande roll, spännande! Här är några bilder från avsnittet hon är med i:

nathan.. please

"Nathan, from the second I heard those words; "we found a body", my heart sank. I couldn't move, I couldn't think. And now that I've managed to at least move, all I can think about is one moment you and I shared years ago, over and over that same insignificant moment repeats in my head. I-I can't tell you why.. It was your birthday. Your first year playing for Maryland, Jamie must've been two. You said you didn't wanna do anything, but I insisted on at least having your favorite ice cream, you remember this? When I brought back mint chocolate chip, and you asked why I thought that was your favorite, I was so confused. Anytime we had gotten ice cream together that's what you always chose. But you told me rocky road was your favorite. And you looked at me, so tenderly, Nathan, and you said you always chose mint chocolate chip because you knew it was my favorite flavor. And that's when I realized, for the first time, that you hadn't been making any of your decisions for yourself. You were doing everything for me, all along, for your family. And it occurred to me that we still had so much to learn about each other. And since then, Nathan, I've learned about how wonderfully selfless, humble, strong man you are. Nathan, I can't hear that you'll never come home again. That I'll never learn something new about you again. Never experience your selflessness, your love, your warm touch again. Nathan.. Please. Have we really had our last conversation? Our last kiss? I don't know what I'd do.. Please.."
kom med förslag!!
Wow, kan inte förstå att jag fortfarande har läsare (♥♥♥♥) trots att jag inte bloggat på evigheter (typ oktober 2012..)! Iallafall, jag saknar One Tree Hill otroligt mycket och jag känner att jag vill fortsätta blogga. Så kom med förslag nu så ska jag börja blogga jätte bra igen!! :)