joy har skiljt sig!

Kikade in på Joy's twitter & såg att hon ändrat twitter namn till "Lenz" istället för "Galeotti"..
Så jag vart lite fundersam så jag kikade in på hennes blogg, där hon hade skrivit såhär i ett inlägg:
"I am also very private about my personal life. In fact, the only reason I'm saying anything about this at all is
because you'll all be wondering soon why everyone is calling me "Bethany Joy Lenz" again. I'm sorry to say
that Michael and I have decided to divorce. We remain friendly and dedicated to raising our beautiful girl in
love and we appreciate your prayers and support during this difficult time. I feel immensely humbled and
grateful that God works all things for the good of those who love Him."
Tråkigt.. Hoppas hon blir lycklig iallafall ♥


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